Livingston County Democrats will walk for freedom in the annual 4th of July parade in Brighton.
The party’s parade entry will be based on the theme of “Let Freedom Ring” and will be built around a six-foot, two-dimensional replica of the Liberty Bell made by a volunteer. Signs carried by volunteers will stress the freedoms that Democrats cherish and fight for, such as freedom from book bans, freedom to be who we are, freedom to read what we want, and more.
“All Democrats in the county are invited to join us. We will meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in the parking lot of the Brighton Meijer’s,” said party chair Judy Daubenmier. Please wear patriotic colors or even a costume. Flags for waving will also be available from the party.
The parade, which begins at 10 a.m., will go down Second St., turn onto First Street, turn right on Main Street, and then follow Main Street west until turning at Brighton High School.
“Parades are a great way to make our presence in the county visible to those Democrats who feel isolated. Please join us!” Daubenmier said.